New Jersey


Spend Less on Utilities

Questions? Contact 303-322-1234

  Follow the ORANGE links for our recommendations.

No matter who you choose to buy energy from, your local utility will continue to deliver your electricity and/or gas and respond to service interruptions and outages. You will still pay your utility for these services. Depending on your area, you can choose to receive a single bill from your utility listing your utility delivery charges and competitive supply charges, or separate bills from the utility and alternate energy provider.  The information on this page was last updated on June 20, 2011.  Please be sure to get accurate and up-to-date information before making any decision.

whitefence savings electricity

Whitefence savings natural gas

Residential Electricity:

There are a number of choices for residential consumers in the state of New Jersey.  Please follow the links below to compare rates and switch plans.  Contact us directly at 303-322-1234 if you have any questions. 

Atlantic City Electric Co. (ACE)

Bid My Electricity Rate  - (coming soon)

Consumer Choice Marketing   - 10.99¢/11.8¢

Constellation  -  10.9¢ 

Gateway Energy Services  -  11.36¢ 

Low Cost Power  - 10.65¢
(Plus $50 Cash Back Rebate)

     Lower Energy Rates Now

- 10.99¢

Jersey Central Power&Light (JCP&L)

Consumer Choice Marketing   - 10.99¢/11.8¢ Fixed

Constellation  -  9.99¢ Peak  - 10.99¢ Off Peak 

Gateway Energy Services  -  11.1¢

Low Cost Power  - 10.65¢
(Plus $50 Cash Back Rebate)

     Lower Energy Rates Now

     Viridian  - 11.39¢  

Public Service Enter. Group (PSEG)

     Bid My Electricity Rate  - (coming soon)

Constellation  -  9.99¢ Peak  - 10.99¢ Off Peak 

Low Cost Power  - 10.65¢
(Plus $50 Cash Back Rebate)

Consumer Choice Marketing   - 10.99¢/11.3¢ Fixed

Gateway Energy Services  -  10.59¢

     Lower Energy Rates Now

MXenergy -  9.79¢

Spark Energy

- 11.39¢  

Orange & Rockland

     Bid My Electricity Rate  - (coming soon)

     Gateway Energy Services  - 10.5 Fixed

     Lower Energy Rates Now

- 12.00¢  

Commercial Electricity:

There are a number of choices for commercial consumers in the state of New Jersey.  Please follow the links below to compare rates and switch plans.  Contact us directly at 303-322-1234 if you have any questions. 

Atlantic City Electric Co. (ACE)

     CLICK HERE For a Custom Price Quote

     Bid My Electricity Rate  - (coming soon)

     Energy Market Exchange
          Under $3,000 per month
          $3,000 - $6,000
          Over $6,000

     Lower Energy Rates Now


Jersey Central Power&Light (JCP&L)

     CLICK HERE For a Custom Price Quote

     Energy Market Exchange
          Under $3,000 per month
          $3,000 - $6,000
          Over $6,000

Low Cost Power  - 10.65¢
(Plus $50 Cash Back Rebate)

     Lower Energy Rates Now


Public Service Electric & Gas (PSE&G)

     CLICK HERE For a Custom Price Quote

     Bid My Electricity Rate  - (coming soon)

     Energy Market Exchange
          Under $3,000 per month
          $3,000 - $6,000
          Over $6,000

Low Cost Power  - 10.65¢ (Plus $50 Cash Back Rebate)

     Lower Energy Rates Now


Orange & Rockland

     CLICK HERE For a Custom Price Quote

     Bid My Electricity Rate  - (coming soon)     

     Energy Market Exchange
          Under $3,000 per month
          $3,000 - $6,000
          Over $6,000

     Lower Energy Rates Now


If you would like to inquire about our business opportunities in New Jersey, please contact us directly at
303-322-1234 or visit our Opportunity page.



New Jersey

New Jersey opened its electricity industry to competition in 1999. Each of the four electric utilities (PSE&G, Jersey Central Power & Light, Atlantic City Electric and Rockland Electric) now offer customers the chance to save money by shopping for the supply portion of their electric bill.

The utilities sold off their power plants, and now only own the transmission and distribution wires, while also providing "backstop" power to customers who do not shop for electricity. With the move to competition, New Jersey utilities have separated their service into two parts:

Regulated distribution of power, which is still only provided by the utility, and
Supply of the electric commodity, which is open to competition.
Customers can choose to receive their electric supply from their utility, or an alternate energy provider.  Customers who do not choose an alternative energy provider are served on each utility's Basic Generation Service (BGS). The price for Basic Generation Service is determined annually through auctions held by the utilities.

For large customers above 1 megawatt (MW), called the Commercial and Industrial Energy Pricing or CIEP class, the BGS price is set as hourly prices in the wholesale PJM market. These prices can be extremely volatile, so most large customers choose an alternate (or third-party) energy provider for price stability.

Customers under 1 MW are known as the BGS Fixed Pricing Class, and receive a flat, annual rate from the auction, although it may be seasonally adjusted.

Customers who choose an alternate energy provider still have their power delivered to them by their local utility, and contact their utility for all outage reporting. Customers can choose to receive either a single bill from their utility for their delivery service and energy supply service, or can receive two bills, one from each company.

Natural Gas:

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has reformed the natural gas industry to give customers a chance to shop for lower natural gas rates. Since 2000, customers at PSE&G, New Jersey Natural Gas, South Jersey Gas and Elizabethtown Gas have been able to choose an alternative supplier for their natural gas supply service. Their gas supply will still be delivered by the local utility, but customers will be buying their gas supply from a new company.

A customer's natural gas bill has been separated into two parts:

Regulated distribution of gas, which is still only provided by the utility, and
Supply of the gas commodity, which is open to competition.
Customers can choose to receive their gas supply from their utility, or an alternate gas provider. If customers do not shop for an alternate, or third-party, gas supplier, they receive Basic Gas Supply Service (BGSS) from their utility. For smaller users like residential customers, the Basic Gas Supply Service changes about once a year (for customers using less then 5,000 therms annually). For large business customers (using more than 5,000 therms annually), the Basic Gas Supply Service charge varies monthly, meaning customers do not have price stability. Customers can avoid wild swings in the Basic Gas Supply Service by contracting with an alternative gas supplier. Very large customers who are "interruptible" are also served on monthly rates, but these rates are different than the Basic Gas Supply Service rate.

Atlantic City Electric

Residential Natural Gas:


      Gateway Energy Services


New Jersey Natural Gas

      Gateway Energy Services


Public Service Electric & Gas

     Gateway Energy Services

     Spark Energy

South Jersey Gas

     Gateway Energy Services


Commercial Natural Gas:


          CLICK HERE For a Custom Price Quote

   New Jersey Natural Gas

          CLICK HERE For a Custom Price Quote

   Public Service Electric & Gas

      Tiger Natural Gas

        CLICK HERE For a Competitive Price Quote-CCM

   South Jersey Gas

          CLICK HERE For a Custom Price Quote


New Jersey Natural Gas Utilities:

bulletElizabethtown Gas Company
bulletNew Jersey Gas Company
bulletPublic Service Electric and Gas Company
bulletSouth Jersey Gas Company

Questions? Contact 303-322-1234  



If you would like to inquire about our business opportunities in New Jersey, please contact us directly at 303-322-1234 or visit our Opportunity page.